Short Bio

I was born in Naples a very long time ago :)
In 2001 I received an High school Accounting Diploma, scored 100/100, from ITC Enrico Caruso of Naples.
In 2005 I received the Bachelor Degree in Computer Science with a thesis on Information Retrieval named “Strumenti per l’ausilio all’organizzazione dei risultati in applicazioni di Information Retrieval” (Organizing result in Information Retrieval applications).
Waiting the beginning of the Master's course I worked as Junior programmer for several IT Consulence Companies.
In 2009 I received the Master Degree in Computer Science with full grade and honors with a thesis on Spatial On-Line Analytical processing named “ChiKyuuBi: Un framework Web-3D based per applicazioni Spatial-OLAP” (ChiKyuubi a Web-3D based framework for Spatial-OLAP applications).
On 5 June 2013 I have got the Ph.D in Computational and Information Sciences 2010 from the University of Naples "Federico II". My Ph.d Thesis was on Spatio temporal data modelling and Visualization, named "A Content management System for Spatio-Temporal Data: Tadaima"
My past work experiences include a role in the R&D department of ST-Microelectronics as a Software Design Architect and a role as Team Lead / Junior Agile Coach at Claranet Italia.

Full CV